Although it may seem obvious to say, e-commerce requires a robust security system. In fact, it wasn't so evident until recently for some, but nowadays, more people are becoming aware of the relevance of this matter.

HTTPS protocols and SSL certificates, backups, and transaction monitoring are just a few of the cybersecurity tools available, which we will discuss below to help you keep your e-commerce protected from digital threats.

Types of Attacks Hackers Can Perform

The significant technological boom has also brought new risks that we must protect ourselves from. The number of cyberattacks that SMEs can face jeopardizes their security and reliability.

Some of the attacks that can be experienced include Phishing or identity theft, as well as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks capable of saturating the network.

Similarly, brute-force attacks and Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) focus on decrypting data like passwords, which could pose significant risks by exposing personal information.

Three Key Security Aspects to Protect Online Stores

1. Installation of HTTPS Protocols

The HTTPS protocol, produced by SSL certificates (of which we have an article if you wish to learn more about them and how they work), safeguards the information transferred between users' browsers and the servers hosting the website or payment gateway for virtual stores. It protects both customer and business information. The use of HTTPS protocols has expanded to such an extent that nowadays, every e-commerce site employs them to stay protected.

Furthermore, search engines like Google prioritize businesses with HTTPS protocols, and customers feel more confident and at ease knowing their data is encrypted and well-guarded.

2. Constant Use of Backups

Backups or data backups provide an exact copy of your website. Backups can be done manually, but there are also tools that can perform them periodically and automatically.

Backups are useful in cases of attacks that deny access to your site or erase its information. However, they lose their effectiveness when dealing with malware or viruses installed on the website, especially if you have been using automated tools for website backups. This is because the negative effects of viruses or malware may not be immediately observable. Therefore, you must determine the date the site was infected before using a specific backup, as it might already be compromised.

If you perform manual backups, never leave the files on the same server hosting the website. A virus infecting the website's files can also infect the backup files. It is advisable to download the backup and store it in a different location.

3. Web Application Firewall (WAF) Systems

The most crucial protection for an e-commerce website is having a Web Application Firewall (WAF). A WAF shields the site and virtual store from viruses, malware, DDoS attacks, brute-force attacks, code insertions in databases (SQL Injection), and various other types of attacks. Some services even include executing backups and SSL certificates to have HTTPS protection. The WAF is to the website what an antivirus is to a computer.

If you want to learn more about Web Application Firewalls, we invite you to read our article: "What is a WAF?"

By implementing these key security aspects, you can safeguard your online store from potential threats and provide your customers with confidence when making purchases in a secure and reliable environment.



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